Command both the forces of the Evil Maemi Empire and the Brave Piprebels and make them fight or something.


  • WASD or Arrow Keys or move cursor to edges: Pan view
  • Q and E: Rotate view
  • Scroll wheel scroll: Zoom
  • Scroll wheel drag: Rotate and zoom
  • Left click: Select squad
  • Right click: Order squad to move

Right click on a squad leader (marked by the banner) to hear attack lines.


  • Maemi Soldier - Gouhou1
  • Pippa Soldier - BigApplePie
  • Music by Dark Fantasy Studio, used with permission

Initially I wanted to make a Command & Conquer like RTS. I painted myself into a corner wanting to solve the issue of having thousands of units on the battlefield, and then insisted on actually having massive scale battles as a way to post-hoc justify the investment. That "investment" has since spiraled out of control as I had to implement more and more of my own fundamental systems instead of working on more game related things, in order to be able to support these massive battles.

The result is what I could scrounge together when I had to spend most of my time hand-rolling my own systems. Think of this as more of a tech demo than anything.

Web version in the works as I try to figure out how to get my hand-rolled native backend to link to Godot.


Phase Wars 62 MB

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